The treatment of stab wounds of the abdomen is discussed controversely. The
managment of these wounds depends on a high degree on the clinical situati
on of the patient. Repeated physical examination, peritoneal lavage and lap
arotomy are recommended. The identification of an isolated diaphragmatic in
jury is worrisome because its subtle clinical presentation is often not all
eviated by adjunctive tests. Delayed recognition of an incarcerated diaphra
gmatic hernia has a high mortality rate. We report about an 23 year old Afr
ican male, who was injured by an intraabdominal stab wound. Initially he di
d not have any clinical problems, but after 6 months he was admitted to the
hospital due to severe pulmonary complications. A diaphragmatic hernia wit
h dislocation of the transverse colon into the left thorax was identified o
n x-rays. A thoracotomy as well as a laparotomy were performed to restore t
he anatomic conditions and to dose the hernia. After two weeks, the patient
could leave the hospital without pulmonary complications. Under considerat
ion of the literature we recommend exploratory laparotomy for stab wounds t
hat penetrate the left side of the chest below the fourth intercostal space
anteriorly,the sixth intercostal space laterally and the tip of the scapul
a posteriorly. The high mortality rate after a delayed recognition appears
to justify an early operative approach.