This report describes a case of textiloma (term given to an inflammatory sw
elling caused by a retained textile foreign body) in a 60-year-old patient
who had undergone surgery for a perforated gastroduodenal ulcer 17 years ea
rlier, On examination the presence of a large mass was detected on the left
hypochondria, A CT scan confirmed a cystic tumor with images suggesting de
tritus or necrosis in its lower part, as well as calcifications, Transperit
oneal midline laparotomy was performed with extension by thoracophrenolapar
otomy. Splenectomy was necessary, Macroscopic examination showed a spherica
l mass. After opening the tumor, retained surgical gauze was found. The his
topathological diagnosis was granulomatosis reaction to a foreign body. Cop
yright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG. Basel.