There are several definitions of virtual displacement. Here are some exampl
es from the literature: 1) A set of infinitesimal displacements such that t
he geometrical boundary conditions are not violated (Washizu, [6]); An infi
nitesimal displacement in the direction of the tangent to the path of movin
g particle (Timoshenko and Young, [5]); 3) Any arbitrary infinitesimal chan
ge of the coordinates of particles, consistent with the forces and constrai
nts imposed on Me system at the given instant t (Goldstein, [2]; 4) Arbitra
ry increments of displacements which satisfy kinematic boundary conditions
(Oden, [4]); 5) Virtual displacements and their derivatives must be square
integrable. Additionally, virtual displacements have to be equal zero where
the actual displecements are prescribed (Becker, Carey, Oden, [1] and Hugh
es, [3]).
It is shown in [1] that virtual displacemnts may be arbitrarly large. In th
e present contribution the principle of virtual displacements for the syste
m of rigid bodies is derived using a novel definition of virtual displaceme
nt: virtual displacemet is an arbitrary linear part of kinematically admiss
ible displacement. Such definition corresponds to definitions given in [1]
and [3]. An example of influence line determination is shown.