Rationale and Objectives. Members of the Society of Chairmen of Academic Ra
diation Oncology Programs (SCAROP) were surveyed in November 1997 to evalua
te the current status of radiation oncology training in the United States a
nd to help determine how it should be carried out in the coming decade.
Materials and Methods. A detailed questionnaire was sent to all members of
SCAROP: 68 of 82 questionnaires were re turned, for a response rate of 83%.
Results, The responses to the survey show a serious shortage of radiation o
ncologists in university settings, despite an apparent surplus in private p
ractice. Although recent changes in health care have added additional clini
cal responsibilities for radiation oncologists in university practices, app
roximately 75% of the chairpersons answering the survey continue to give th
eir faculty protected time for research. Even with additional research and
teaching responsibilities, the average radiation oncologist in university p
ractice saw 206 patients per year in 1997, a number similar to that reporte
d by the Patterns of Care Study for radiation oncologists overall. Approxim
ately two-thirds of respondents believe that academic chairs should strive
to have all clinical faculty members participating in research. Nevertheles
s, most think that basic research is better performed by dedicated research
ers with PhD degrees rather than radiologists with MD degrees. Most respond
ents believe that the training programs adequately prepare radiation oncolo
gists for a career in academic medicine but do not provide good training in
research. Eighty-four percent agreed that resident performance on the Amer
ican Board of Radiology examination should be considered in the accreditati
on of residency programs in radiation oncology but should not be the major
Conclusion. There is a shortage of academic radiation oncologists in the Un
ited States despite the large number of radiation oncologists completing tr
aining. This probably is due to a variety of factors, including a relativel
y small pool of candidates for academic positions, increasing demands for p
erformance from academic physicians (to see more patients, perform research
, publish, write grants, and teach), and competition from the private secto
r for recruitment of these individuals.