Rationale and Objectives. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the app
lication of a new method of through-transmission ultrasonography (US) to br
east imaging.
Materials and Methods. Through-transmission US was used to image breast tis
sue in 18 women; 12 had no known lesions, and six had masses, five of which
were palpable. Of those with no known lesions, two had implants, and two h
ad mammary duct ectasia. Lesion sizes and locations on the through-transmis
sion sonograms were correlated with findings from conventional imaging to d
etermine successful imaging. Histopathologic findings and lesion size were
recorded from pathology reports. Detailed comparative analyses of through-t
ransmission US, conventional x-ray mammography, and conventional US were pe
rformed. The following lesion variables were compared: maximum diameter, sh
ape, margins, and internal architecture.
Results. Through-transmission US produced images of all masses, some of whi
ch were mammographically occult. Comparisons among through-transmission US,
mammography, and conventional US showed high correlation in lesion charact
eristics such as maximum diameter, shape, margins, and internal architectur
e. For two malignant masses, through-transmission US appeared to be more ac
curate in assessing tumor extent, compared with mammography and conventiona
l US.
Conclusion. This new method of through-transmission US produces images of b
reast tissue in women with a variety of breast types and can be used to det
ect and characterize a variety of lesions, some of which are mammographical
ly occult.