The electrostatic potential calculations were carried out on three types of
metallothioneins. The structure of MT - II in rat liver was obtained direc
tly from protein data bank, while other two structures of MT - I and MT - I
I in rabbit were constructed by homology modeling. The electrostatic potent
ial was calculated by solving the Poisson - Boltzmanne equation using the f
inite difference method. In each dimer, two monomers exhibited apparent ele
ctrostatic complementarity in buffers of pH 5.6 similar to 8.5. But when pH
was increased to 10.6, the electrostatic complementarity would be reduced
singnificantly. For all trimers, the electrostatic interactions between the
monomer and dimer were unfavorable. Moreover, the electrostatic repulsion
would be significantly enhanced when the pH value was changed to 10.6.