The present study aimed to test whether central, across-channel, informatio
nal auditory processing abilities are altered by hearing loss. The informat
ional masking effect exerted on a 1 kHz tone-pip by a simultaneous four-ton
e masker, whose spectral content changed within as well as across trials, w
as measured in the left and right ears of normal-hearing subjects and heari
ng-impaired subjects with either symmetrical or asymmetrical hearing loss b
etween the two ears. In the subjects with normal-hearing or symmetrical hea
ring loss, the level of the masker was set to 40 dB SL in each ear, in the
subjects with asymmetrical hearing loss, the masker was set to 40 dB SL in
the best ear and loudness-balanced in the other ear. The results failed to
reveal significant differences in informational masking between normal-hear
ing and hearing-impaired subjects. However, in subjects with asymmetric hea
ring loss, less informational masking was observed in the ear with the more
elevated absolute thresholds than in the opposite ear. Since the latter fi
nding can be explained in terms of across-ear differences in loudness recru
itment, it is suggested that central, across-channel, informational process
ing abilities are not substantially different in hearing-impaired than in n
ormal-hearing ears.