We investigated the in vivo and in vitro locus of actions of prokinetics: m
otilin, erythromycin, and ABT-229. The test substances were infused close i
ntra-arterially in short segments of the jejunum in the intact conscious st
ate. Each prokinetic acted on a presynaptic neuron and utilized at least on
e nicotinic synapse to stimulate circular muscle contractions. The final ne
urotransmitter at the neuroeffector junction was ACh. Motilin and erythromy
cin, but not ABT-229, also released nitric oxide. Each prokinetic utilized
somewhat different subtypes of muscarinic, serotonergic, tachykininergic, a
nd histaminergic receptors, except for the Mg receptor, which was common to
all of them. In contrast, none of the prokinetics stimulated contractions
in mucosa-free or mucosa-attached muscle strips, or rings, even though meth
acholine or electrical field stimulation induced phasic contractions in all
of them. The prokinetics also did not release ACh in longitudinal muscle-m
yenteric plexus preparations. Each prokinetic, however, decreased the lengt
h of enzymatically dispersed single cells. In conclusion, each prokinetic m
ay act on a different subset of presynaptic neurons that converge on the po
stsynaptic cholinergic and nonadrenergic noncholinergic motoneurons. The pr
esynaptic neurons may be impaired in the muscle bath environment.