The crystal structure and hydrogen positions of serandite, NaMn2[Si3O8(OH)]
, have been refined from single-crystal X-ray and time-of-flight neutron di
ffraction data at ambient conditions. The proton occupies an asymmetric, do
uble-well position between O3 and O4, confirming one of the shortest asymme
tric hydrogen bonds known in minerals with n(O3...O4) = 2.464(1) Angstrom (
X-ray) and 2.467(1) Angstrom (neutron). The proton position closest to O3 h
as about 84% occupancy and an O-H distance of 1.078(3) Angstrom, and the po
sition closest to O4 has an occupancy of 16% and an O-H distance of 1.07(1)
Angstrom. The d(H...O) of these hydrogen bonds is 1.413(3) Angstrom and 1.
41(1) Angstrom, respectively. Hydrogen bond angles are 164 degrees for H1 a
nd 168 degrees for H2. The Si-IV-OH bond length [1.628(1) Angstrom] is inte
rmediate in length among the three other Si-O bonds in the dominantly (84%)
hydrated Si1 tetrahedron. These new structure data for a very strong hydro
gen bond may be useful for extending spectroscopy-structure correlation dia
grams into the region of very low energy O-H stretching.