The group of xeno-estrogens includes substances which have the ability to i
nterfere with the action of estrogens through several mechanisms. They can
act as agonists or antagonists of estrogen receptors, but also by interacti
on with other receptors (aryl hydrocarbone, androgens) or by influencing th
e hormonal metabolism. Through these effects, such substances disrupt the n
ormal functioning of the organism. Xeno-estrogens belong to the group of en
docrine disrupters. The aim of this paper is to summarize the current knowl
edge about xeno-estrogens chemistry and pharmacology and emphasizes at the
same time their environmental impact. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dio
xins, furans, alkylphenolic compounds and organochlorines will be successiv
ely described.