Using a world agricultural model, we analyze the impact on dairy markets of
the Berlin Accord on the European Union (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (C
AP) Reforms. We also investigate the consequences of enlargement of the EU
to include the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland for the same markets. We
produce a market outlook up to 2010 for these two scenarios. The Berlin Acc
ord induces lower EU milk and dairy prices. A change in relative prices bet
ween cheese and butter-skim milk powder (SMP) occurs after 2005 and induces
an expansion of cheese production, consumption and exports at the expense
of the butter-SMP sector. Accession of the three central and eastern Europe
an countries (CEECs) leads to a permanent but moderate decrease in EU price
s of milk and dairy products. For the three acceding CEECs, domestic prices
increase dramatically. Their final consumption of milk decreases and dairy
product consumption drops considerably. The derived demand of milk in diar
y production increases, however, because of the higher prices for dairy pro
ducts, benefiting dairy producers in these CEECs. Dairy exports of the thre
e acceding countries to the EU-15 increase by one to three orders of magnit
ude, despite building large inventories. The impact of accession on world m
arkets is small.