Unique queries submitted to the Excite search engine were analyzed for empi
rical regularities in the co-occurrence of search terms. The distribution o
f the frequency of term pair occurrences was fitted to three models to dete
rmine whether the pattern of term usage followed a Zipfian distribution. Re
latively poor fits were obtained leading the author to conclude that the di
stribution is not Zipfian. Two simulation models were developed based on em
pirical distributions of term co-occurrences and terms submitted per query
to determine if binary dependence for specific query terms and combinations
of term sizes were evident/A strong binary dependence relationship was obs
erved for specific co-occcurring terms. An analysis of co-occurences based
on term sizes revealed that the simulation model underestimated the co-occu
rrences of less frequently used terms and highly used terms. The implicatio
ns for web based IR system searching and design are discussed.