T. Brown et al., Revealing the existence of child abuse in the context of marital breakdownand custody and access disputes, CHILD ABUSE, 24(6), 2000, pp. 849-859
Objective: Child abuse in the context of legal and de facto marital breakdo
wn has received little attention internationally. Many believe it does not
exist in this context and regard it as just a "gambit in the divorce wars."
Recently, however, family courts in a number of countries have become conc
erned over the management of child abuse allegations in custody and access
cases, known more commonly now as residence and contact cases. This article
presents a unique research study, which investigated how the Family Court
of Australia dealt with such cases. The study, covering all forms of child
abuse, sought to discover who were the Families bringing these problems to
family courts, what precisely the abuse was and how the courts dealt with i
Method: The study reviewed court records of some 200 families where child a
buse allegations had been made in custody and access disputes in jurisdicti
ons in two states, observed court proceedings and interviewed court and rel
ated services' staff.
Results: The findings showed that these cases had become a core component o
f the court's workload without any public or professional awareness of this
change, that the abuse was real, that it was severe and serious, and that
the courts and child protection services did not provide appropriate servic
es to the families.
Conclusion: A new specialized intervention system was developed based on th
e research and it is now being trialed and evaluated. The new intervention
system contains features derived from the research findings that may be sui
table internationally for implementation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.