Guidelines for the treatment of blastomycosis are presented; these guidelin
es are the consensus opinion of an expert panel representing the National I
nstitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group and the Inf
ectious Diseases Society of America. The clinical spectrum of blastomycosis
is varied, including asymptomatic infection, acute or chronic pneumonia, a
nd extrapulmonary disease. Most patients with blastomycosis will require th
erapy. Spontaneous cures may occur in some immunocompetent individuals with
acute pulmonary blastomycosis. Thus, in a case of disease limited to the l
ungs, cure may have occurred before the diagnosis is made and without treat
ment; such a patient should be followed up closely for evidence of disease
progression or dissemination. In contrast, all patients who are immunocompr
omised, have progressive pulmonary disease, or have extrapulmonary disease
must be treated. Treatment options include amphotericin B, ketoconazole, it
raconazole, and fluconazole. Amphotericin B is the treatment of choice for
patients who are immunocompromised, have life-threatening or central nervou
s system (CNS) disease, or for whom azole treatment has failed. In addition
, amphotericin B is the only drug approved for treating blastomycosis in pr
egnant women. The azoles are an equally effective and less toxic alternativ
e to amphotericin B for treating immunocompetent patients with mild to mode
rate pulmonary or extrapulmonary disease, excluding CNS disease. Although t
here are no comparative trials, itraconazole appears more efficacious than
either ketoconazole or fluconazole. Thus, itraconazole is the initial treat
ment of choice for non-life-threatening non-CNS blastomycosis.