We discuss Monte Carlo dynamics based on [N(sigma, Delta E)](E), the (micro
canonical) average number of potential moves which increase the energy by D
elta E in a single spin Rip. The microcanonical average can be sampled usin
g Monte Carlo dynamics of a single spin flip with a transition rate min(1,
[N(sigma', E - E')](E')/[N(sigma, E' - E)](E)) from energy E to E'. A cumul
ative average (over Monte Carte steps) can be used as a first approximation
to the exact microcanonical average in the Rip rate. The associated histog
ram is a constant independent of the energy. The canonical distribution of
energy can be obtained from the transition matrix Monte Carlo dynamics. Thi
s second dynamics has fast relaxation time - at the critical temperature th
e relaxation time is proportional to specific heat. The dynamics are useful
in connection with reweighting methods for computing thermodynamic quantit
ies. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.