Stresses in a two-dissimilar-materials joint under an axisymmetric deformat
ion are analysed. The similarity and the difference between the stresses in
an axisymmetric deformation joint and in a plane strain deformation joint
are pointed out. The similarity is that the stresses near the bond edges of
the joints have the same singularity. The difference is that the stresses
in an axisymmetric deformation joint cannot be determined by only two compo
site material parameters, which is a correct conclusion in a plane strain d
eformation joint under prescribed traction. Therefore, asymptotic descripti
ons for the stress fields near the bond edges of the joints must be differe
nt under axisymmetric deformation and under plane strain deformation, even
though the stress singularities are same. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. Al
l rights reserved.