High-spin states in Cd113-116 have been investigated with the fusion-fissio
n reaction Si-28 + Yb-176 at 145 MeV. The experiment has been performed wit
h the Eurogam2 array. New rotational bands based on two quasi-particle stat
es have been observed for even-even cadmium isotopes. A new level scheme ba
sed on the 11/2(-) isomeric state is proposed for Cd-115 and the one of Cd-
113 has been extended to spin (31/2(-)). The decoupled bands identified in
both odd-A nuclei are interpreted as being built upon a low-Omega h(11/2) q
uasi-neutron configuration. Microscopic Hartree-Fock + BCS calculations con
firm the prolate deformation in this mass region especially for the odd cad
mium isotopes.