Independent isomeric yield ratios of Sb-128, Sb-130, (132), Te-131, Te-133,
I-132, I-134 I-136, Xe-135 and Cs-138 have been determined in the fast neu
tron induced fission of Np-237 and Am-241 using radiochemical and gamma spe
ctrometric technique. From the independent isomeric yield ratios, fragment
angular moments (J(rms)) have been deduced using spin-dependent statistical
model analysis. Comparison of these data with the literature data fur even
-Z fissioning systems shows the following important features: (ij Angular m
omenta for fragments with spherical 82n shell and even-Z products are lower
compared to the fragments with out the 82n shell and odd-Z products indica
ting the effect of nuclear structure. (ii) Angular momentum of even-Z produ
cts in all the fissioning systems are comparable where as for odd-Z product
s it is slightly higher in the odd-Z fissioning systems than in the adjacen
t even-Z fissioning systems. Tills indicates the role of single particle on
fragment angular momentum in odd-Z fissioning systems.