Retrospective evaluation of interventional embolization therapy in the trea
tment of gastrointestinal hemorrhage over a long-term observation period fr
om 1989 to 1997. Included in the study were 35 patients (age range 18-89 ye
ars) with gastrointestinal bleeding (GI) referred for radiological interven
tion either primarily or following unsuccessful endoscopy Surgery. Sources
of GI bleeding included gastric Id duodenal ulcers (n = 7), diverticula (n
= 3), erosion of the intestinal wail secondary to malignancy (n = 6), vascu
lar malformations (n = 4), and hemorrhoids (n = 2), as well as from postope
rative (n = 6), posttraumatic (n = 2), postinflammatory (n = 4) or unknown
(n = 1) causes. Ethibloc (12 cases) or metal coils (14 cases) were predomin
antly used as embolisates. In addition, combinations of tissue adhesive and
gelfoam particles and of coils and Ethibloc were used (six cases). Finally
, polyvinyl alcohol particles, a red stent, and an arterial wire dissection
were utilized in one case each. Bleeding was stopped completely in 29 of 3
5 cases (83%). In one case (3%) the source of bleeding was recognized but t
he corresponding vessel could not be catheterized. In five or cases (14%) t
here was partial success with reduced though still persistent, bleeding. Th
e rate of complications was 14%, including four instances of intestinal isc
hemia with fatal outcome in the first ears, and, later, one partial infarct
ion of the spleen without serious consequences. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
can be controlled in a high percentage of patients, including the seriousl
y ill and those who lad invasive interventional techniques. The ability of
minicoils instead of fluid embolization agents has reduced the risk of seri
ous complications.