The article presents some of the first data on the platinum-bearing potenti
al of the Vuruchuaivench massif. According to recent opinions, the massif i
s a marginal part of the Monchegorsk pluton. Ore mineralization of the Vuru
chuaivench massif belongs to the low-sulfide PGE type with a higher concent
ration of PGE relative to that of Ni and Cu. This type of ore mineralizatio
n is new to the Monchegorsk pluton. Elements of the platinum group at the V
uruchuaivench occurrence are distributed very unevenly in ore bodies, with
content variations from 1 to 7 g/t of the PGE sum. Impregnated sulfide mine
ralization is localized in an extended 1-3 m-thick horizon, which is made u
p of medium- and coarse-grained, often taxite, leucocratic gabbronorites an
d anorthosites that conform to the host gabbronorites. PGE form their own m
inerals and solid solutions in sulfides and sulfoarsenides. Minerals of pla
tinum metals (PGM) associate with postmagmatic sulfide paragenesis. They ar
e represented by Pd arsenides and bismuth tellurides. Mayakite, sperrylite,
hollingworthite, irarsite, Pd3Ni2As3, and (Ni,Pt)AsS are subordinate miner
als. Native gold, electrum, kustelite, naumanite, hessite, minerals of the
galena sequence: clausthalite, POE-containing cobaltite, and gersdorffite a
re associated with MPM. The abundance of fine (micron and submicron) inclus
ions of noble metal mineral phases in sulfides, sulfoarsenides, and rock-fo
rming minerals is a typical feature of this mineralization. Platinum minera
lization was formed in the process of a metasomatic alteration of primary s
ulfide and silicate parageneses by magmatic fluids at the final stages of t
he massif formation. This is confirmed by the following features: by the pa
rticulars of the PGM composition, their paragenesis with low-temperature su
lfide assemblages, and the confinement of ore horizons to autometasomatical
ly altered gabbronorites and anorthosites.