Objective. Relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms involv
ed in the initiation and progression of ovarian germ cell tumors (OGCTs), i
n contrast to testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) which have been extensive
ly investigated, Ovarian germ cell tumors share many pathological and biolo
gical features with TGCTs and it is likely that they share similar molecula
r genetic alterations, although this has not been studied in detail, The ai
m of this study was to compare and contrast loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in
OGCTs at chromosomal regions that are commonly involved in TGCTs.
Methods. Universal amplification was performed on 35 paired specimens of ma
lignant OGCT and constitutional DNA that had been microdissected from singl
e paraffin-embedded tissue sections in 32 patients. Sixty-two microsatellit
e markers were used to assess LOH at chromosomal regions mapping to 3q, 5q,
9p, 11p, 11q, 12q, 17p, and 18q as these are commonly involved in testicul
ar germ cell tumors.
Results. Assessment of these regions demonstrated common sites of deletion
at 3q27-q28 (50%), 5q31 (33%), 5q34-q35 (46%), 9p22-p21 (32%) and 12q22 (53
%) in all histological subtypes of OGCT, We and others have previously foun
d these regions to be frequently deleted at early stages of tumor developme
nt in TGCTs,
Conclusions. These chromosomal regions may contain tumor suppressor genes t
hat are important in the initiation and progression of both malignant OGCTs
and TGCTs. (C) 2000 Academic Press.