Multiplication measurements on GaAs p(+)-i-n(+)s with i-region thicknesses,
w, between 1 mu m and 0.025 mu m and Monte Carlo (MC) calculations of the
avalanche process are used to investigate the applicability of the local io
nization theory. The total expressions for multiplication are able to predi
ct the measured values surprisingly well in p(+)-i-n(+)s with i-region thic
knesses, w, as thin as 0.2 mu m before the effect of dead-space, where carr
iers have insufficient energy to ionize, causes significant errors, Moreove
r, only a very simple correction to the local expressions is needed to pred
ict the multiplication accurately where the field varies rapidly in abrupt
one-sided p(+)-n junctions doped up to 10(18) cm(-3). However, MC modeling
also shows that complex dead-space effects cause the local ionization coeff
icients to be increasingly unrepresentative of the position dependent value
s in the device as w is reduced below 1 mu m. The success of the local mode
l in predicting multiplication is therefore attributed to the dead-space in
formation already being contained within the experimentally determined valu
es of local coefficients. It is suggested that these should therefore be th
ought of as effective coefficients which, despite the presence of dead-spac
e effects, can be still be used with the existing local theory for efficien
tly quantifying multiplication and breakdown voltages.