Spatial data, ranging from various land information data to different types
of environmental data, are typically collected and used by different custo
dians. The full benefits of using spatial data can be achieved by combining
the data from different sources covering a common region. Due to organizat
ional, political and technical reasons, it is unrealistic to physically int
egrate the vast amount of spatial data managed by different systems in diff
erent organizations. A practical approach is to provide interoperability to
support multi-site data queries. In this paper, we study the performance a
spect of complex spatial query processing. We propose a framework for proce
ssing queries with multiple spatial and aspatial predicates using data from
multiple sites. Using a new concept called generalized filter, a query is
processed in three steps. First, an aspatial filter that incorporates some
conditions derived from spatial predicates is used to find a sat of candida
tes, which is a superset of the final query results. Then, the candidates a
re manipulated and a refinement step is executed following an optimized can
didate sequence. Finally, a post-processing step is used to handle spatial
expressions in query results. The focus of this paper is to generate enhanc
ed filters in order to minimize the need of transferring and processing com
plex spatial data.