Previous cytogenetic studies have demonstrated that the majority of lipobla
stomas show rearrangements, in particular translocations and insertions, wi
th breakpoints in 8q11-13. Here we present evidence for involvement of the
developmentally regulated zink finger gene PLAG1 in these rearrangements, N
orthern blot and RT-PCR analyses revealed overexpression of PLAG1 in two li
poblastomas. Using immunohistochemistry, expression of the PLAG1 protein wa
s also demonstrated in tissue sections from two lipoblastomas, one of which
had a t(3;8)(q13.1;q12) translocation and the other a t(1;6)(q42;p22) tran
slocation. Since no aberrant PLAG1 transcripts could be detected, it is lik
ely that the gene may be activated by promoter swapping/substitution or alt
ernatively by an as yet unknown mechanism. Our findings indicate that PLAG1
activation is a recurrent event in lipoblastomas and that PLAG1 is likely
to be the target gene on chromosome 8 in these tumors.