Let G be a locally compact topological group, and B be a G-algebra. P. Baum
and A. Connes conjectured that the K-theory of the reduced crossed product
of B by G is isomorphic to the C-equivariant K-homology with compact suppo
rt and with coefficients in B of the classifying space for proper actions o
f G.
We consider the case when G = N x H is a semi-direct product group. We prov
ide a way to link this conjecture for G to the similar statement for N by b
uilding an H-equivariant assembly map for N. We then use this construction
and the Dirac/dual-Dirac method to prove that the conjecture is true for G
if it is true for N, under the following assumptions: G has a gamma-element
in the sense of Kasparov, N is an amenable group and H is almost connected
or has a compact-open subgroup.