H. Schubiner et al., Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder among substance abusers, J CLIN PSY, 61(4), 2000, pp. 244-251
Background: This cross-sectional study sought to determine the prevalence o
f attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder amon
g adults admitted to 2 chemical dependency treatment centers. It was hypoth
esized that ADHD alone or in combination with conduct disorder would be ove
rrepresented in a population of patients with psychoactive substance use di
Method. Two hundred one participants were selected randomly from 2 chemical
dependency treatment centers. Standardized clinical interviews were conduc
ted using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, the Addiction Sever
ity Index, and DSM-IV criteria for ADHD. Reliabilities for the diagnostic c
ategories were established using the Cohen kappa, and the subgroups of indi
viduals with and without ADHD and conduct disorder were compared.
Results. Forty-eight (24%) of the participants were found to meet DSM-IV cr
iteria for ADHD. The prevalence ADHD was 28% in men (30/106) and 19% in wom
en (18/95; NS). Seventy-nine participants (39%) met criteria for conduct di
sorder, and 34 of these individuals also had ADHD. Overall, individuals wit
h ADHD (compared with those without ADHD) were more likely to have had more
motor vehicle accidents. Women with ADHD (in comparison with women with AD
HD) had a higher number of treatments for alcohol abuse. Individuals with c
onduct disorder (in comparison with those without conduct disorder) were yo
unger, had a greater number of jobs as adults, and were more likely to repe
at a grade in school, have a learning disability, be suspended or expelled
from school, have an earlier age at onset of alcohol dependence, and have h
ad a greater number of treatments for drug abuse. They were more likely to
have a lifetime history of abuse of and/or dependence on cocaine, stimulant
s, hallucinogens, and/or cannabis.
Conclusion: A significant overrepresentation of ADHD exists among inpatient
s with psychoactive substance use disorders. Over two thirds of those with
ADHD in this sample also met criteria for conduct disorder. Our sample had
a very large overlap between ADHD and conduct disorder, and the major comor
bidities identified here were attributable largely to the presence of condu
ct disorder. Individuals who manifest portion of those seeking treatment fo
r psychoactive substance use disorders. They appear to have greater comorbi
dity and may benefit from a treatment approach that addresses these comorbi
dities specifically through medical and behavioral therapies.