A wire boom deployment system has been developed that uses a mechanism that
is similar to the classic yo-yo despin mechanism. The goal has been to dev
elop a way to rapidly deploy wire booms from a spinning sounding-rocket exp
eriment. The main challenge in using a yo-yo-type mechanism is to dissipate
the excess kinetic energy so that the wire booms do not rewrap themselves
about the spacecraft after deploying. A ring has been added to the basic yo
-yo mechanism. It rotates with respect to the main spacecraft about the nom
inal spin axis, and the wire booms deploy from it. The ring/spacecraft join
t is damped, and relative motion between the ring and the spacecraft dissip
ates the excess energy. This system is analyzed and simulated in two and th
ree dimensions. The results show that a well-tuned system can deploy 2.5 m
wire booms in under 20 s and that it can tolerate the expected levels of as
ymmetry and parametric uncertainty.