Objective: To evaluate the effect of valsartan on renal handling of uric ac
id in healthy subjects.
Methods: A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was
performed in twelve healthy volunteers. Six received a morning dose of vals
artan 80 mg orally during 14 to 21 days and the other six received placebo.
Before and after valsartan or placebo, clearance, fractional excretion and
excretion uric acid rates were calculated. Presecretory reabsorption, tubu
lar secretion and postsecretory reabsorption of uric acid were assessed by
pharmacological tests using pyrazinamide or probenecid,
Results: There were no differences in clearance, fractional excretion and e
xcretion uric acid rates with valsartan and placebo. Valsartan did not affe
ct presecretory reabsorption (p = 0,92), tubular secretion (p = 0.62) or po
stsecretory reabsorption (p = 0.52) of uric acid.
Conclusion: Valsartan did not significantly affect renal handling of uric a
cid in healthy subjects.