Obtaining an adequate occupational history requires special expertise to "a
sk the right questions" that are relevant to a particular patient's specifi
c health conditions and potential exposures. This article describes a way t
o systematically accomplish this by means of a computer system that can ove
rcome limited availability of necessary clinical occupational health expert
ise. The Intelligent Questionnaire system is a computer-based system for ge
nerating case-specific questionnaires about the influence of work on, respi
ratory disease. Intelligent Questionnaire includes three databases: Questio
ns, Responses, and Calls (clues to identify questions). The Questionnaire a
lso arranges questions in a logical manner and provides a customized data e
ntry screen for each subject. This approach provides primary practitioners
with expertise on a case-by-case basis. It also facilitates occupational he
alth surveilance because it allows acquiring detailed case-specific informa
tion in a systematic fashion. A computer-based system can facilitate obtain
ing occupational histories with high specificity and consistency without de
pending on general availability of a human occupational health clinical exp