Background: Incomplete Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) is the cessation of
MMS while the tumor margins are known to be still positive.
Objective: Our purpose was to examine the factors behind unplanned incomple
te MMS and to identify means of avoiding and managing this situation when i
t arises.
Methods: We performed a retrospective case review examining clinical presen
tations, histologic features, and management of incomplete MMS.
Results: Fifteen of 10,346 procedures (0.15%) were identified as incomplete
MMS. Complete records were available in 14 cases. The age range was 30 to
90 years; the study comprised 10 men and 4 women. The tumors included 9 bas
al cell and 4 squamous cell carcinomas and 1 dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan
s. The sites involved were nose, medial canthus, ear, scalp, and lower eyel
id. Twelve cases dealt with unresectable disease, whereas two patients were
unable to tolerate further surgery. Of the unresectable cases, MMS was ter
minated because of ongoing multifocal positive skin margins, bony invasion,
or extension of tumor to other locations. Surgical defects were repaired,
whereas residual disease was managed with a variety of methods.
Conclusion: incomplete MMS is a rare problem of either unresectable disease
or inability of the patient to tolerate the procedure. Preoperative planni
ng may help to identify both subgroups of patients. A multispecialty approa
ch to managing these cases is often necessary.