Federal parks and other public lands have unique mandates and rules regulat
ing their use and conservation. Because of variation in their response to l
ocal, regional, and globalscale disturbance, development of mitigation stra
tegies requires substantial research in the context of long-term inventory
and monitoring. In 1982, the National Park Service began long-term, watersh
ed-level studies in a series of national parks. The objective was to provid
e a more comprehensive database against which the effects of global change
and other issues could be quantified. A subset of five sites in North Carol
ina, Texas, Washington, Michigan, and Alaska, is examined here. During the
last 50 years, temperatures have declined at the southern sites and increas
ed at the northern sites with the greatest increase in Alaska. Only the mos
t southern site has shown an increase in precipitation amount. The net effe
ct of these trends, especially for the most northern and southern sites, wo
uld likely be an increase in the growing season and especially the time soi
l processes could continue without moisture or temperature limitations. Dur
ing the last 18 years, there were few trends in atmospheric ion inputs. The
most evident was the decline in SO42- deposition. There were no significan
t relationships between ion input and stream water output. This finding sug
gests other factors as modification of precipitation or canopy throughfall
by soil processes, hydrologic flow path, and snowmelt rates are major proce
sses regulating stream water chemical outputs.