Effectiveness of selenium in different forms like sodium selenite, selenocy
steine and selenomethionine has been compared in four different doses, name
ly 4, 6, 8 and 10 ppm of each, in terms of their bioavailability and prolon
gation of survival of Dalton's lymphoma (DL) bearing mice. Selenomethionine
, at a dose of 8 ppm, was found to be the most bioavailable and least cytot
oxic form that was capable of increasing the life span of the tumour bearin
g hosts maximally (almost two-fold). Beneficiality of selenomethionine has
also been studied by observing continuous changes brought about by this com
pound on the glutathione (GSH) level, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity
and extent of lipid peroxidation in the hepatic tissue of the tumour beari
ng hosts, which are indispensable for a cell to function normally and are f
ound to exhibit significantly altered behaviour in neoplastic cells. Seleno
methionine caused the maintenance of high steady state GSH level and a norm
al GPx activity during the fist phase of tumour growth. It also controlled
lipid peroxidation during the first 15-20 days following tumour transplanta
tion. These conditions helped in the maintenance of intracellular redox bal
ance, cellular integrity and metabolic rhythms of cells in DL bearing mice
receiving selenomethionine.