Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a protein involved in transport of lipids and ha
s been implicated to play an important role in regeneration after nerve inj
ury. Determination of apoE in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) thus have a potenti
al interest when studying different forms of brain damage and as a marker o
f ongoing regenerative processes in the brain. However, previous studies on
CSF ApoE in Alzheimer's disease (AD) have given inconclusive results. Such
inconsistant results might be related to confounding factors interfering w
ith sample handling and/or analyses, which have not been fully elucidated.
We therefore examined different potential confounding factors for analyses
of apoE in CSF and also developed a new enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (
ELISA). The hydrophobic character of ApoE resulted in adsorbtion to differe
nt types of test tubes commonly used for collection of CSF at lumbar punctu
re, resulting in falsly low levels. This makes CSF handling critical, espec
ially if samples are taken in different types of tubes, or is transferred t
o new tubes. Taking this confounding factors in consideration and analysing
patient and control CSF handled in the same way and using the new ELISA, w
e could confirm our previous finding of reduced levels of ApoE in AD, (3.4
+/- 1.3mg/l) compared with controls (4.5 +/- 2.7mg/l) (p = 0.045), Both in
the AD and in the control group, higher levels of CSF-ApoE was found in ind
ividuals possessing the ApoE4 alleles. Our results support that CSF-ApoE is
reduced in AD, and that handling of CSF is a critical factor, which may ex
plain the discrepant results from previous studies. Differences in the amou
nt of patients and controls possessing the ApoE4 allele included might also
increase the variance between different studies.