Intracellular recordings were obtained from cuneate neurons of chloralose-a
nesthetized, paralysed cats to study the synaptic responses induced by elec
trical stimulation of the contralateral medial lemniscus. From a total of 1
78 cells sampled, 109 were antidromically fired from the medial lemniscus,
82 of which showed spontaneous bursting activity. In contrast, the great ma
jority (58/69) of the non-lemniscal neurons presented spontaneous single sp
ike activity. Medial lemniscus stimulation induced recurrent excitation and
inhibition on cuneolemniscal and non-lemniscal cells. Some non-lemniscal n
eurons were activated by somatosensory cortex and inhibited by motor cortex
stimulation. Some other non-lemniscal cells that did not respond to medial
lemniscus stimulation in control conditions were transcortically affected
by stimulating the medial lemniscus after inducing paroxysmal activity in t
he sensorimotor cortex. These findings indicate that different sites in the
sensorimotor cortex can differentially influence the sensory transmission
through the cuneate, and that the distinct available corticocuneate routes
are selected within the cerebral cortex. From a total of 92 cells tested, t
he initial effect induced by low-frequency stimulation of the sensorimotor
cortex was inhibition on most of the cuneolemniscal neurons (32/52) and exc
itation on the majority of the non-lemniscal cells (25/40). The fact that a
substantial proportion of cuneolemniscal and non-lemniscal cells was excit
ed and inhibited, respectively, suggests that the cerebral cortex may poten
tiate certain inputs by exciting and disinhibiting selected groups of cuneo
lemniscal cells. Finally, evidence is presented demonstrating that the tend
ency of the cuneolemniscal neurons to fire in high-frequency spike bursts i
s due to different mechanisms, including excitatory synaptic potentials, re
current activation through lemniscal axonal collaterals, and via the lemnis
co-thalamo-cortico-cuneate loop.
A corticocuneate network circuit to explain the results is proposed. (C) 20
00 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.