This paper assesses the contribution of hippocampus to the spatial orientat
ion of Long-Evans rats in a new place avoidance task. The animals learn to
avoid a mild footshock in a segment of a rotating arena. Since the punished
region is defined in the coordinate system of the stationary room the subj
ect is forced to move away from the prohibited segment even if it is immobi
le. After bilateral injection of tetrodotoxin (5 ng in 1 mu l of saline) in
to the dorsal hippocampus rats were not able to avoid the punished place wh
ile a similar injection of saline did not affect performance. The results s
uggest the task is suitable for assessing the hippocampus-dependent spatial
abilities of laboratory rodents. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. Al
l rights reserved.