A preconditioned scheme for solving sparse symmetric eigenproblems is propo
sed. The solution strategy relies upon the DACG algorithm, which is a Preco
nditioned Conjugate Gradient algorithm for minimizing the Rayleigh Quotient
. A comparison with the well established ARPACK code shows that when a smal
l number of the leftmost eigenpairs is to be computed, DACG is more efficie
nt than ARPACK. Effective convergence acceleration of DACG is shown to be p
erformed by a suitable approximate inverse preconditioner (AINV). The perfo
rmance of such a preconditioner is shown to be safe, i.e. not highly depend
ent on a drop tolerance parameter. On sequential machines, AINV preconditio
ning proves a practicable alternative to the effective incomplete Cholesky
factorization, and is mon efficient than Block Jacobi. Owing to its paralle
lizability, the AINV preconditioner is exploited for a parallel implementat
ion of the DACG algorithm, Numerical tests account for the high degree of p
arallelization attainable on a Gray T3E machine and confirm the satisfactor
y scalability properties of the algorithm. A final comparison with PARPACK
shows the (relative) higher efficiency of AINV-DACG. Copyright (C) 2000 Joh
n Wiley & Sons, Ltd.