DNA mismatch repair plays a critical role in maintaining genomic integrity.
Defects in human mismatch repair are the primary cause of certain types of
cancer, including hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. In the past,
the ability of mismatch repair proteins to con cct DNA mismatches that occu
r during DNA replication, repair, and recombination was considered the prim
ary mechanism by which it contributes to genomic stability. However, increa
sing evidence supports the idea that the mismatch repair system also contri
butes to genome stability by stimulating DNA damage-induced apoptosis as pa
rt of the cytotoxic response to physical and chemical agents. MutS/MutL hom
ologues mediate the process of apoptosis by binding Irt DNA adducts and eit
her provoking futile repair events or blocking steps in DNA metabolism (i.e
., DNA replication and/or repair). This damage recognition step by mismatch
repair (MMR) proteins stimulates a signaling cascade for apoptosis, result
ing in activation of protein kinase(s) that phosphorylate p53 and/or the re
lated protein p73. Activated p53 and p73 in turn transmit a signal to the a
poptotic machinery to execute cell death. The goal of this commentary is to
discuss the molecular mechanism(s) by which mismatch repair proteins stimu
late apoptosis.