Background: The goal of a cataract operation is to achieve an optimal outco
me,which includes a round and functioning pupil. The goal of this study was
to analyze the influence of cataract operations on pupils that appear to b
e normal on silt-lamp examination postoperatively.
Patients and methods: A videopupillography was performed on 47 eyes of 47 p
atients after phacoemulsification without complications in the first eye,an
d on 12 eyes of 12 patients after phacoemulsification without complications
in the second eye.
Results: After surgery, the first eyes showed a significantly more constric
ted pupil compared to the non-operated eye independently of the stage of ir
ritation. After surgery of the second eye, this was only observed under nea
r dark conditions.
Conclusion: Even the morphologically normal pupil shows a change in motilit
y postoperatively. We believe that the reason for this is the mechanical ma
nipulation of the iris during cataract operation. During this, the sensitiv
e dilator muscle of the pupil is affected, leading to temporary or permanen
t changes in pupillary function. The change in motility of the contralatera
l, non-operated eye cannot be easily explained. The pupil size is important
for the visual process and alteration of its function allows an evaluation
of the quality of the operation.