We examine noncommutative solutions of the non-Abelian theory on the world-
volume of N coincident D-strings. These solutions can be interpreted in ter
ms of noncommutative geometry as funnels describing the non-Abelian D-strin
g expanding out into an orthogonal D3-brane. These configurations are "dual
" to the bion solutions in the Abelian world-volume theory of the D3-brane.
In the latter, a charge N magnetic monopole describes N D-strings attached
to the D3-brane with a spike deformation of the world volume. The noncommu
tative D-string solutions give a reliable account of physics at the core of
the monopole, where the bion description is expected to break down. In the
large N limit, we find good agreement between the two points of view, incl
uding the energy, couplings to background fields, and the shape of the funn
el. We also study fluctuations traveling along the D-string, again obtainin
g agreement in the large N limit. At finite N, our results give a limit on
the number of modes that can travel to infinity along the N D-strings attac
hed to the D3-brane.