The unprecedented rise in higher-order multiple (HOM) births and the subseq
uent increase in parents who want to breastfeed their babies presents commu
nity health nurses (CHNs) with complex challenges. The extraordinary divers
ity of the triplet breastfeeding experience once all infants are settled at
home is illustrated through findings from a survey of nine mothers of trip
lets. Parents revealed how they managed the feedings over the multiples' fi
rst year: type of feedings (breast, expressed breast milk [EBM], formula);
scheduled and demand feedings; adequacy of milk supply; frequency and durat
ion of feedings; consecutive and simultaneous feedings; nighttime with thre
e; weaning; effects of breastfeeding on their bodies and well-being; challe
nges and stresses; and spousal, family, and health professional attitudes a
nd support. A number of strategies that CHNs can utilize are suggested. The
se include working with individual families as well as forming partnerships
with parents of multiples' support groups, multiple birth associations, in
terested health professionals, and the community sector. It is through thes
e actions that the accessibility, coordination, and quality of health, mult
iple birth education, and social support services can be strengthened and h
ealthy public policies implemented which address the unique and enormous de
mands experienced by HOMs' families.