The Mam Tor landslide is a kilometre-long feature in shales and sandstones.
The initial slope failure occurred over 4000 years ago as a rotational lan
dslide that developed. into a large debris flow at its toe: A road built ac
ross: it nearly 200. years ago, and now closed, provides graphic evidence o
f continued movement of the slide mass; this has:: now been monitored for e
ight years; Current. mean annual movement. is upto 0.25 m; this increases g
reatly when winter rainfalls exceed thresholds of both 210 mm/month and 750
mm in the preceding six months, The most rapid movement is now taking plac
e in a central zone of:slide blocks that rest on a steep slip surface locat
ed at or close to the buried ground surface just downslope of the initial f
ailure: toe, Both the main upper mass of landslide: blocks: and the debris
toe move more Slowly over basal shears at lower angles of dip. Deep drainag
e of the central part of the Landslide would be the mast effective means of
stabilization, but may not totally eliminate movement.