Red wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) are generally more dormant and sprout res
istant than white wheats. Whether this is caused by pleiotropic effects of
the red grain colour genes (R) on dormancy and coat colour, or to tight lin
kage between R and dormancy genes has not been fully resolved. To directly
determine the effect of the R1 allele on dormancy, mutations were induced w
ith sodium azide in a pure line selection of the red genotype (R1R1r2r2r3r3
) Chinese Spring wheat. Two white mutants (CSW01, CSW02) were recovered fro
m M-3 caryopses derived from approximately 20,000 M-2 plants. Both mutants
were shown to be allelic to a domestic white genotype (r1r1r2r2r3r3). Excep
t for seed coat colour, CSW01 and CSW02 are morphologically indistinguishab
le from the wild type and are presumed to be near isogenic lines of Chinese
Spring. Freshly harvested grains produced under four different environment
s were evaluated for post-harvest dormancy. In all environments, intact car
yopses of all three isolines exhibited high temperature dormancy typical of
cereal species, although the red wild type consistently exhibited greater
dormancy than the white mutant isolines. Dormancy was dissipated by afterri
pening in dry storage at 37 degrees C in a similar manner for the red and w
hite isolines. Excised embryos of the three isolines exhibited similar leve
ls of dormancy and sensitivities to exogenous abscisic acid. These results
indicate a functional R1 allele is not absolutely required for dormancy in
wheat, but does enhance its expression in caryopses with dormant (sensitive
) embryos.