Background/aims: The capillary bed is recognized as the site where metaboli
c and nutrient processes occur for living tissues at all levels. The evalua
tion of this vital process is a major concern in microcirculation. Unlike t
raditional approaches that concentrated on the extreme local properties of
this process, a more global analysis toward capillary ensembles is employed
here, since capillaries work as a cooperative entirety. As a first step to
ward ensemble analysis, the static and planar geometric parameters are inve
stigated. Parameters such as the capillary adjacency and size information a
re very important in predicting and analysing certain malfunctions in the m
icrovascular bed.
Methods/results: In order to achieve an objective and accurate analysis of
these vital parameters, a computerized imaging system is proposed. Not only
the number of capillaries and the capillary cross-sectional areas are impo
rtant in describing the microvascular bed but the planar distribution patte
rn of the capillaries also carries valid information. This information, uni
que to the ensemble analysis, can be used to reveal, visualise and quantify
the clustering of capillaries; and this information, according to the Krog
h model, is fundamental in estimating the tissue oxygen supply. Two spatial
models, the closest neighbor and triangulation methods, have been applied
to the captured images of capillary ensembles. The closest neighbor techniq
ue generates a minimal distance map or displays a distribution, which depic
ts the local clustering of capillaries. The triangulation technique, on the
other hand, generates a mutual distance map, which is a global description
of the capillary positions. Triangulation methods have been evaluated but
all except the Greedy triangulation method have been rejected due to lack o
f robustness and model weakness. Therefore, the capillaries are triangulate
d by the Greedy triangulation method, and the capillary distribution unifor
mity is defined as one minus the coefficient of variance of the edge length
s of the mutual distance map.
Conclusions: A series of advanced image processing methods have been develo
ped that efficiently extract the capillary position, size and distribution
information from the images. These results facilitate the automatic countin
g of capillaries and the capillary size-related pathological analysis.