Gastrointestinal segments are commonly used for bladder replacement or repa
ir. However, when gastrointestinal tissue is in contact with the urinary tr
act, several complications may ensue. Recent surgical approaches have relie
d on native urological tissue for reconstruction. These are based on sound
surgical principles, allowing for the exclusion of tissue that is not urolo
gical. De-epithelialized bowel segments, either alone or over native urothe
lium, have also been used. An experimental system of progressive dilatation
for ureters and bladders has been proposed, This appears promising, althou
gh it has yet to be attempted clinically, There has been a resurgence of in
terest in the use of acellular collagen-based matrices as scaffolds for bla
dder regeneration; experimental work is currently underway. Recently, funct
ional bladder tissue has been engineered using selective cell transplantati
on. This technique uses autologous cells, so avoiding rejection, Tissue is
obtained from the host, the cells then dissociated and expanded in vitro, r
e-attached to a matrix and implanted into the same host. Clinical trials ar
e currently being arranged, Even though the use of bowel for bladder tissue
replacement was first proposed over 100 years ago, it remains the gold sta
ndard, despite its associated problems, It is evident that urothelial-uroth
elial anastomoses are preferable functionally, Experience is currently bein
g gained with the recent clinical and experimental approaches to augmentati
on cystoplasty. It is hoped that this will result in more technologies and
methods for bladder augmentation.