Trans-oesophageal pulsed-wave Doppler echocardiography was evaluated as a n
oninvasive method of determining cardiac output during total hip replacemen
t in 10 dogs. Cardiac output was estimated by determining the cross-section
al area of the aorta via caudal transverse echocardiography and the outflow
velocity of the ascending aorta via cranial transverse Doppler echocardiog
raphy. Thermodilution was used as the reference method. In addition, cardio
pulmonary changes, at the time of femoral prosthesis insertion, were determ
ined. Comparison of 160 measurements yielded a correlation coefficient of 0
.48. Linear regression analysis revealed the equation, cardiac output (Dopp
ler echocardiography) = 0.45 cardiac output (thermodilution) + 3.3. In comp
arison to thermodilution, trans-oesophageal pulsed-wave Doppler echocardiog
raphy overestimated cardiac output at flow rates less than 61/min and under
estimated the cardiac output at flow rates greater than 61/min. There was a
significant decrease in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide at end-expi
ration (PETCO2), the systolic arterial blood pressure (mmHg) and the invasi
ve stroke volume (ml/beat/m(2)) and a significant increase in the pulmonary
vascular resistance (dynes/sec/cm(5)) immediately after insertion of the f
emoral prosthesis.