A large fraction of the baryons today are predicted to be in hot, filamenta
ry gas, which has yet to be detected. In this paper, we use numerical simul
ations of dark matter and gas to determine if these filaments and groups of
galaxy will be observable by XMM. The simulated maps include free-free and
line emission, galactic absorption, the XMM response function, photon nois
e, the extragalactic source distribution, and vignetting. A number of cosmo
logical models are examined as well as a range of very simple prescriptions
to account for the effect of supernovae feedback (preheating). We show tha
t XMM has a good chance of observing emission from strong filaments at z si
milar to 0.1. This becomes much more difficult by z similar to 0.5. The pri
mary difficulties lie in detecting such a large, diffuse object and in sele
cting an appropriate field. We also describe the range of group sizes that
XMM should be sensitive to (both for detection and spectral analysis), alth
ough this is more dependent on the unknown nature of the feedback. Such obs
ervations will greatly improve our understanding of feedback and should als
o provide stronger cosmological constraints.