Objective To find out what criteria and methods are used by Australian empl
oyers to select new graduates to work in their practices.
Design Questionnaires were completed by 258 employers and the responses wer
e analysed using the SAS system.
Results During selection, employers placed most reliance on formal intervie
ws or visits to the practice. These occasions were used to assess the appli
cant's personal qualities including their ability to interact effectively w
ith clients and colleagues. Employers used resumes mainly in selection of a
pplicants to interview and many discounted nominated referees as being suff
iciently critical. Academic knowledge was regarded as less important than p
ersonal qualities and very few employers reported using gender as a basis f
or selection.
Conclusions Senior veterinary students need to be aware of the importance p
laced by employers on interpersonal skills and personal qualities and shoul
d make every effort to engage in practical work, paid work and other activi
ties that will help develop these attributes. They should be conscious that
practitioners with whom they work may be contacted by potential employers
and they should learn to present themselves realistically in a resume.