Collaborative care pathways (CCPs) provide a framework for multidisciplinar
y patient care. They provide guidelines and a mechanism for audit, and were
first introduced at the Regional Unit, Walton Hospital, Liverpool, in Nove
mber 1994. They have been designed for many surgical groups. Between August
1996 and 31 July 1997, 955 patients were admitted on to the nine establish
ed pathways: fractured mandible (n=213), fractured zygoma (n=117), minor or
al surgery (n=244), abscess (n=18), examination under anaesthesia (n=73), n
asal surgery (n=73), osteotomy (n=80), salivary (n=63), and temporomandibul
ar joint (n=74). The purpose of this article is to report the introduction
of CCP in a maxillofacial ward and give results from a one-year audit. CCP
have proved to be an extremely useful tool and have several advantages over
traditional documentation. They are more accurate, easily computerized, an
d facilitate audit. They promote the development of guidelines and standard
ized perioperative care, and this in turn facilitates training and raises s
tandards of care.