Variance components were estimated using alternative structures for the add
itive genetic covariance matrix (G(0)), for height (m) of trees measured at
10 unequally spaced ages in an open-pollinated progeny test. These structu
res reflected unstructured, autoregressive, banded correlation and random r
egressions models. The residual matrix (R-0) was unstructured, and the bloc
k and plot strata matrices were autoregressive. The best model for G(0) con
sidering the likelihood value and number of parameters was the autoregressi
ve correlation form with age-specific variances and time on a natural logar
ithm basis. The genetic correlation between successive measures ranged from
0.93 at age 1 to 0.99 at age 14 years. Heritability increased with age fro
m 0.09 (age 1) to 0.24 (age 7) and then declined to 0.13 at age 15. Heritab
ilities from the unstructured model were similar, while heritabilities assu
ming banded correlations were lower after age 7. The covariance structure i
mplicit in the random regressions model was considered unsatisfactory. Usin
g structures in G(0) facilitated model fitting and convergence of the likel
ihood maximisation algorithm. Fitting a structured matrix that reflects the
relationships present in repeated measures may overcome problems of nonpos
itive definiteness of unstructured matrices from longitudinal data, especia
lly when genetic variation is small.