A thermodynamic model of electrolyte solutions has been used as a tool for
equilibrium calculations in the Na-Bi-Ti-H2O and K-Bi-Ti-H2O systems. To pe
rform the calculations, unknown standard-state properties for Na0.5Bi0.5TiO
3 (NBT), K0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (KBT) and other solid compounds that exist in these
systems were established. As a result of the calculations, stability and yi
eld diagrams of the investigated systems were computed. Thus, the optimum c
onditions (i.e., temperature, synthesis precursor concentrations, solution
pH) for the hydrothermal synthesis of phase-pure KBT and NET are presented
in a graphical form. They show the concentrations of precursors and pH-adju
sting agents required for the formation of phase-pure alkaline bismuth tita
nates. The computed diagrams show that the formation of phase-pure sodium a
nd potassium bismuth titanates takes place in highly alkaline solutions (e.
g., at pH above 11.4 and 12.2, respectively, at 473 K). Results of our expe
riments validated the newly developed yield diagrams and demonstrated, for
the first time, that alkaline bismuth titanates can be hydrothermally synth
esized. Experimental synthesis was carried out using both conventional and
microwave-heated reactors.